top of page included. Update Jan 2, 2025 was always the worlds #1 greatest pure Ecologist Scientist of all GODs MotherEarth post 1976 NCSU. No other person or entity has ever perfected a complete self contained energy solution of only and Terrawatts of free electricity and total world watershed re-management. All scalable re build out of OUR new world infrastructure.  HE=Keith also procreates worlds last millions of new villages of 100% green self sufficient corporate townships of FutureCity.LIFE when WE GODs PEOPLE control all of Mother Earth resources for ever by complete finished design architect rapid deployed construction by only and each of YOU worldwide so WE stabilize our one economy use of !

Protect + Contact debrief host our #1 world leader today! No excuses or insane delay complaints allowed. Our World change saving Patents and Portfolio net value benefits exceeds $40 Billion USD cash profits recovery and sell-off proceeds once each of YOU understand and see WE personally have left behind everything on how to stabilize OUR economies forever.  Contact VIDEO debrief with us today and convince yourself we are the REAL inventors and R&D Scientist ProCreator Gifters of GODs crime free Utopia forever use of EVOTE.ONE now 185 other perfected simple replacement solutions methods. No other single person has EVER succeeded in total world unification.

  2023 Dec 29. WE GODS People now all use Keith's + Gods ancient and state of our highest designed perfected art technology to advance our human race to the very last universal frontier, GODs Outer Space away from Earth criminals. now registered EIN 99-0420269 protected Trust Foundation also now tax free from all of you. simple $ replacement. is worlds last complete 100% ecology SAFE storage methods from only Keith Duncan.

SolutionEnergy.ORG we procreated year 1976 NCSU Raleigh NC


  All Fortune 1000 Corporate Executives now personally PAY full rights to use all of our patents and education technology to procreate debt free ONLY middle class worldwide for ever.

  This most peaceful complete Evolution Revolution is full reduction of almost all fossil fuels to ZERO. Only by direct ACTION mass publicity will each of these perfected systems become your free society of NO $$ energy Warlords or even Wall Street Stick Stock BROKERS.

   Reverses Climate Change Wars (c)(tm)(r) Patent 1976-2024. Value exceeds $350 Trillion USD. is selling $40 Billion USD of patents to all major Corporations to be mutually shared by +8.1 Billion We Gods children to flat stabilize our MotherEarth. is that solves all fundamental 100% all green underground mining and repair construction of our new infrastructure issues forever.

 Saves 30 to 75% all energy with universal communication control through FOIA.ONE.

All Hydro turbine scalable demo reverses all mass poverty.

PRIME Command is DELIVER this to ALL TOP Executives and PRESS Today !! -Universal all Electric is > 40% Conserve P.L.C. Reduction Patents.

Achieves total free Water Air Energy decentralizes $$ everyone.

Headquarters Office +1 770-377-2106. CEO Founder Keith Duncan new world economic system kCitizens.

WE GOD's PEOPLE now control and own Energy, Water, Air, Land, and ALL infrastructure.

Common Sense Wisdom and old world technology that has evolved since dawn of our own mankind. is shown to world as the ONLY solution set to empower all stock holders = WE. is God + Keiths only single methods of to provide unlimited electricity power and safe captured pre-stored massive billions of cubic meters of water at our levels worldwide. REVERSAL of all Climate Change warlords was always one of our mutual Focused solution results.  No other energy source is re-generative. Even Solar and Wind are huge waste of time, energy, and MTBF expense. Only Cold Water H20 turbines and are the only Keiths Patent solutions to rid our mutual world of all $$ financial Energy Warlords forever use of Keiths EVOTE.ONE.

  Med-evil Medieval DARK AGES plaque plagques occurs now based on worse than the Planet of the Apes scenario caused by Devils Advocacy of Lucifer Worshipers who all focus on murder, rape, pillage, plunder of the CoPirate groups of NWO criminal ruling elites.  Only most humble Sent by God Keith Brent Duncan has openly gifted published showcased all ways and means to restore 100% eDemocracy real time decision making so each of YOU can actually be self sustainable and totally decentralized and privatized so everyone benefits by acting with fearless authority by protecting the lives, rights, and assets of everyone you encounter and affect.

  All of this is done by rapid fast path deployment of All Aspects of starting with and monthly on demand Town Hall Forum Conclaves of

  I just personally gift bought to ensure our world now actually MAKES PEACE with each other forever. No one has ANY choice but to PROTECT MY LIFE and be PAID to recover and actually take direct immediate ACTION on behalf of all others by NOT being an Addict of

KBD.  WHERE am I TODAY? 2023 Oct 1. Only GOD and Keith (John 10:30) know all about each of you.

  My very own Father GOD has always monitored humanity and only sends Messianic Messengers like when mortals decide to slaughter each other over the last food, water, guns, shelter.

Nov 14, 2014, NASA Climate Change Experts show CO2 and Carbon Monoxide poisoning by Polluter War Criminals most East Coast USA, China, India, and even Brazil Rain forest burn-offs. Keith Brent Duncans simple total economic replacement system includes ALL the patents copyrights to reduce Fossil fuel use down to 5% of current demand caused by YOUR consumerism GET IT WHILE the BET GETTING is best.  Once WE use to destroy the LUCIFER worshiping Co-Pirate Executives, WE all benefit by being 100% independent free will decision makers by being Sovereign owners of our all our GOD gifted resources, knowledge and wisdom.

Updated 2023 Nov 11 11:11 pm EST Asheville NC and Atlanta GA base of YOUR operations.

  SolutionEnergy.ORG  Destroys all Energy $$ Wall Street level War Lords forever.

   This entire portfolio of interlinked patent copyright solutions Reverses All Climate Change polluters forever with no exceptions.  Basic was WHO are the NWO criminal ruling elite who make the laws, contracts, bids, and other transactions to take FIRST PROFITS by the FIRST family Oligarch monopoly dynasties.

  Our entire gifted portfolio of 100% all green economy ecology ordained divined RE-Education omnipresent methods are your focus to self liberate ourselves once and forever.

  Updated 2023 Aug 24. is -All these perfected complete patent and copyright contents stabilize 8 billion WE GODs people forever by WE building, owning, controlling ALL energy and water systems of here and  

     Imagine total loss of electricity in your city for 1 month. Puts you back in medieval dark ages and martial law includes riots and mass genocide fighting over the last food, water, guns/ammo, and safe shelter from the malingering marauder murdering bands of street thug CoPirate drug addict criminal terrorists. No ability to pump gas, Cell communicate, cook, no clean water, no grocery stores or any commerce. "Get it (anything) while the getting is best".  This defines 'Medieval Dark Ages and mass riot destruction of GODs earth by criminals.

   All neighbors forced to work as slave servants for the Criminal Ruling Elite. Rampant sex drug torture sacrifice parties are the rule of Their Order. Those with military grade weaponry proceed to decimate any opposition like portrayed movies of: Terminator, Matrix, Water World, Mad Max, Hunger Games, 300, Spartacus, even recent Mission Impossible about super A.I. computer destroying all of mankind as a threat to ITs prosperity of always using Devils Advocate blame excuse of 'The Devil Made Me DO IT' like Flip Wilson.

   The most critical open published works of GODs last testament MERIT was always and ancient TRIBAL clan method engineered system of WHO is in control of YOUR reality and near term destiny fate of GODs forever. 

  Updated 2023 July 23-24. Just met St Marys Georgia Fire Chief while turnover of other world saving solutions through Councilman Artie Jones and Mayor John F. Morrissey (912) 510-4041 ; Artie Jones, Jr. Post 1 (912) 464-0047 Met with City Clerk (912) 510-4039  Gave her and YOU also the KEYS to GODs universe ultimate HIS/HER business plans I procreated my entire soon 65 years always as YOUR new world leader peer groups of TOP Gifters. EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE are the only methods of eliminating these $ financial warlords from any level of authority and seizing all their wealth by mutual agreement collective cooperative collaboration direct action efforts by each of you, my most beloved +8 billion WE THE most besieged impoverished slave traded brainwashed most often 'BLINDED FOOLS, hypocrits, racists, cynics, bigots who claim 'someone else's problem'.

  Ancient + prime sage visionary most relevant quote: "Look in any mirror and ask WHO do you see? Your ProCreator image or only a self entitling instant gratification Lucifer worshiping satanic demon'. Your answers to all your prime emotional issues, conflicts and wars are easy to use and to reverse your evil mindset back to being greatest leaders of all time led by Keith.

Updated 2023 July 04.

  NGOs are the worlds most prolific patent copyright engineered gifted collaborative shared methods to reduce the demand of all fossil fuels to near zero AND UNIFY 8 billion WE GODS PEOPLE forever by using keith + Gods Procreated 100% direct real time eDemocracy vote decision making methods of

  Each of the openly published gifted patents and engineering marvel solutions are greater than ALL NOBLE Peace prizes combined for the total final solution effects of massive reduction of all fossil fuel demand to near 5% current consumption worldwide. No more energy wars and NEVER again manipulation of Price of GODs natural assets by underground criminal ruling elite most know as Stock Market Brokers linked to world hidden BANKsters.


  2023 June 16. The ONLY energy production system to unify 8 Billion WE GODS people is all the patents and registered trademark intellect property copyrights below AND immediate deployment of and procreation of direct funded by provided by YOUR direct actions to Peace Make destroy all $$ warlords and underground deep state criminals.


  WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect Keith brent Duncans life right NOW and command we go back on best national news Press Conference debrief shows to speak with full scale authority command on all our other perfected solutions to eliminate ALL chain of command PolyTicks and other criminal terrorists who all roam freely past 75 yrs.

  All these interlinked patents and technology intellectual property now REVERSES all climate change conditions caused by the group we label financial warlords.  This one open Public OneNews.Foundation rebroadcast shows fast path methods of to decentralize all energy and water production back to each of our Mountain based communities worldwide. No more speculation commodity $$ brokers can manipulate pervert the production, transport, storage, and end user consumer pricing of Gods natural resources that were procreated to advance our human race as only Peace Makers who deal with all local issues by deciding WHO are each of our project management consultant leaders at both Government and Corporate Executive leadership positions. ALL benefit once we all decide to focus on the issues rather than the political warfare that has now been legalized once the super powerful make all the laws, regulations, taxes, and transfer of our wealth assets to their accounts.

  Updated 2023 April 25 as we now go to the RPS Rollins RES INC + meeting as my wealthy Board of Directors and capital investors have been offering to buy out the 1984 RPS based Gas and Oil Exploration field services divisions for conversion use to part of of driven by EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE forever. was always the most famous universal stabilizing engineered system in world history.

Our personal goal was to provide ONE first filing of any patent, copyright, intellectual property rights through Keith + Gods FOIA.ONE universal standard database.  Now each corporation shares their patents and manufactures inter-operating common replaceable parts for all vehicles, appliances, eDevices, computers, construction equipment, electrical systems, biotechnology, research white papers, literally everything to procreate GODs forever. This alone prevent reverses current forever.

   Starting with to fast path 100% ecology underground mining worldwide, the interlinked pure technology methods empower all mankind to be totally self sufficient devoid of any ruthless criminal ruling elite control over GODs resources that each of you know control, manage, and use to benefit our off the grid communities at all levels.  Once we have unlimited scalable Terra-watts of free Electricity on demand generated by Free Cold Water Turbine Pumped public by WE the and unlimited scalable, WE GODS people now build our very own crime and politic free UTOPIA of GODs heaven as it was procreated originally here on Earth.  Destruction of all persons must NOW occur fast path use of of anyone who pervert manipulate and claim full authority power over MY PEOPLE. Human sex slave drug addiction trading has always been used past 6000 years to enslave WE GODS PEOPLE by brainwashing each of you to believe ONLY 'THEY' can decide who controls our minds, souls, and assets worldwide.  Once each step advance of technology was weaponized by political propaganda claiming we must DESTROY any opposition to THEIR most ruthless control of GODs assets, few steps can ever be taken by the WILL of WE GODS people to overthrow these Devil Warlord Kings and the few WITCH ONE 'QUEENS' like criminal Ms. Bashama, sherry duncan Phoenix Harris, Dee Sterling, even Sally Q Yates at exposed

  Yet WE GODS PEOPLE must always RISE UP and LIBERATE ourselves by taking all assets and command authority away from any person who violates GODs laws and our most basic civil rights of new world is Keith + GODs + YOUR complete perfected engineered transportation system that minimizes all costs of manufacturing, higher sales commission, minimized lifetime costs and maintenance, and easy to retrofit upgrade during the lifecycle of OUR communally shared collective cooperative all electric scalable transport systems.  Keith has personally architect engineered constructed an entirely new total replacement system for all 8 Billion remaining humans. already perfected as worlds most powerful simple massive reduction in producing common shared  transportation systems to literally eliminate all the anti-climate change warlords false promises.

  Only by WILL OF WE GODS PEOPLE will any of the current criminal ruling elites be totally removed from all authority decision making chain of command hierarchies forever. YOUR actions of commanding Keith and you be featured on any news media broadcasts to demonstrate in person how GODs eVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE interlined most efficient decision making data driven systems procreate GODS utopia here on earth and soon our OUTER SPACE once we perfect and all other engineered simple solutions provided by only KEITH


   These simple GOD delivered technology method solutions are the most massive reduction in all manufacturing costs by eliminating all switches, wiring harnesses, and related hardware 'creature features' on all conveyance vehicles. All existing manufacturers now share ALL patents and inter vehicle communication standards as well as interchangable parts now mass manufactured by Keiths NGOs worldwide..  M T


  All Manufacturers, SBO small business suppliers, and all Dealerships now go full scale into the retrofit business to eliminate and recycle all our existing junk graveyards including 100% recycling of billions of scrapped tires and scrapyard metal, plastics, fluids, and electronics. This includes sharing our GPS self tracked vehicles point to point with swap able scalable emerging battery pack technology. Lower weight per mile is massive increase in energy expenses.  No one will ever be stranded and alone once everyone knows WHO is WHO and WHO owns what forever use of direct registering everything and everyone through Keith + GODS FOIA.ONE. Updated 2023Jan02.

   WHO DO YOU TRUST with our assets? your Bank-ster, PolyTICK, your stock stick market Broker, your zealot charlatan false preacher pastors? WHO?  Do any of YOU actually know why you were procreated in the first place by MY father known as our Mutual Creator?  Clearly simple NO.  If you DID understand current reality, each of you would indeed STAND PROUD and act with Fearless authority to protect the rights, souls, minds, and assets of all others. YET YOU ALL REFUSE since the WHAT IS IN THIS for ME=YOU is the most overriding predatory greed pandemic of all time history. This is also WHY each of you use Devils Advocate criminal conspiracy denial of others to master re educate each other using KEITHS most perfected total economic education replacement system showcased forever by each of YOU.  Perfectly updated as GODs final solution  2022Jan02 as YOUR New world.  Image your world without any safe haven, no electricity, clean safe water, communications, transportation, banking, mall markets and basic food supplies.  Clearly this is WW3-5 of Martial Law, Lawlessness, Genocide, Nuclear war, poison attacks against WE THE PEOPLE at all levels. Only the few Criminal Ruling Elite will hide in those +341,000 Swiss bunkers, and old military underground caves built by YOUR efforts and taxes post WW1.  Not even your imagination, but TRUE reality of current WW3-5. Most Humble SENT by GOD Keith Brent Duncan is your answer solution world saving provider at all levels from nano microcircuit to GODS eye view unbiased procreation of everything that surrounds and IS GODs earth.

   Please ignore any complexity of our broadcasts of YOUR reality, as we have most boldly confidently published provided all solutions worldwide.  Everyone does just HATE White SPACE that says NOTHING.  I asked my DOG what is TWO minus TWO. He answered correctly "NOTHING."  same as most of you.  quote Duncan.  I had a HOT dinner date on 2022Dec10. Her name is 61yold Kim Bacon of IHQ hotel magnets. I will not even need to bring my cooler she is SO HOT of intellectual highest IQ intelligence works in Atlanta GA.  She stood me up at last hour and never showed up to honor her legally binding commitment. Same as MOST of YOU.

Updated 2022Dec09 6pm at PDK Downwind Restaurant hosted by manager KIP who may join us at very soon as MegaBillionaire Corporate Executive Manager at his level. part of GODs of is the most famous simple single solution to massively conserve save ALL energy production and use.  From year 1976 NCSU Raleigh when I was invited inside Master control room of Carolina Power & Light Co with fellow Amateur Radio front liner open public direct digital communicators we made famous by procreating all other Self Saving solutions perfected and gift showcased of GODs Everyone benefits forever once all criminal terrorists are eliminated at all levels.

  Each of these GOD + Keith engineered systems are peace making revolutionary shared collective patents we have gifted through World Changing Saving Intellectual Property foundations. 

  Each of the 125 website broadcasts are compress down to eliminate all unnecessary white space and were always design procreated to be working methods to unify +8 Billion of GODS people all at one TIME by each of you.

CLICK HERE to go to original very large HOME PAGE of Call us today ASAP now !

  CLICK HERE to see Master Home Page eVOTE.ONE GODs reality of YOUR use of

  We were always worlds first to all markets Trillionaires by procreating all levels of GODs technology used forever.

   Entire WORLD MUST go only Cold Water Turbine Electricity AND NOW as in TODAY. value exceeds $20 Trillion USD of 100% green ecology underground mining required to rebuild GODs utopia of


  Reverses ALL the economic wars of Criminal Ruling Elite strip mining GODs world while manipulating all commerce trading platforms to destroy any honest integrity person leaders from eliminating the existing LUCIFER agenda first families worldwide once all of you use EVOTE.ONE part of the most perfected comprehensive turnover of all GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS and ALL CORPORATE EXECUTIVES of any public traded corporation.


  The true value of all the combined technology copyright patents of this one most profound totally gifted broeadcast website exceeds over $450 TRILLION USD by anyone observation and R&D statistical analysis.

   Keith Duncan MUST be protected NOW by everyone, including OUR Governments at FBI NSA CIA Congressional Presidential all levels. We were always the #1 top PLC energy Psychology perfected expert inventor scientist front liner Philanthropists leading directing All mega Billionaires of GivingPledge.SPACE  of all time. We have already gifted every single method of how each of YOU fast path decentralize OUR assets and command authority back to each of you remaining living mortals based on your greatest places of mortal needs forever as only Peace makers using, and to focus on advancing our own human race devoid of criminal terrorists cyber crooks and any one who violates OUR basic GODs rights to be free will sovereign citizens who have total control management ownership over OUR locally advancing communities.

   This updated 2022Nov24 as we are 100% victimized by almost everyone tied to Doug Duncan and super terrorist Robert DEE ROSE fully exposed in perfect criminal evidence all exposures at

  CLICK HERE to see HOME Page to unify all mortals electronically includes VoiceCommand.US and other perfected Artificial intelligence metaphysics from NGOs owned and control managed by each of you led by most humble SENT by GOD keith brent duncan.

  These most prolific published Patents are procreated to reduce all fossil fuel use down to near ZERO.  This along reverses all Climate Change financial wars worldwide.

  BELOW is the fast path Patented Intellectual Property way of GODs to finally rid our world of all energy War Lords worldwide once and forever. This is the most massive reduction in Electricity use worldwide we procreated year 1976 at NCSU Raleigh NC seen at

  The other solutions are all metaphysics interlinked simple financial economic fast path most efficient economic solutions to produce ALL electricity by use of GODS and once all the Co-PIRATES and corrupt anyone are removed from any and all levels of command chain authority at both any GOVERNMENT and and ALL Corporate Executive positions worldwide caused by KEITHs being elected as your new world leader President of

  EVOTE.ONE now replaces All known forms of governments and corporations worldwide by Will of WE GODS people deciding NEXT best Project and WHO is each of OUR Project Managers. is Keith Duncan +1 770 377 2106.  Now located in Asheville NC as world famous +$40 Mega Billion USD valued multi National enterprises of funded GOD's basic simple direct funding +200 new EDUCATION and Technology Foundations staffed by YOU our most beloved GODS people forever. Offices now co-located Biltmore Estate, theRev. Billy Graham Cove and all other spiritual led organizations worldwide. 

   JOIN us NOW and  immediate OWN Control Manage all first Profits of your own Corporation enterprises.

   Everyone BENEFITS using GODs methods by Keith Brent Duncan was Procreator FatherGOD + MotherEarthFirst + son only 100% ecology economic green system to unify all mortals forever using Evote.ONE FOIA.ONE of holding everyone accountable to act with fearless authority to protect the rights of GOD, Keith, and each of your neighbors. As of June 26, 2022, World War 5 holyCost Holocaust apocalypse end times is about to self genocide all humanity caused by named criminal terrorist defendents who can not longer escape and hide behind criminal liar lawyers, corrupt Politicians, manmade loophold Laws by claiming Corporate and elected Government avatar entity immunity.

     Once we GODs people exercise total control and ownership of unlimited free water, free unlimited energy of Electricity from ONLY water powered turbines and we now own all infrastructure including our free communication services, OUR state of last art Education schools, Community shared Civic Church Farmers market town hall Centers. WE control the use of all of GODs resources including direct ownership control development of OUR personally owned homes of, WE own control use of all lakes, watersheds, and parklands and even now redevelop reforest all mountians, deserts, piedmonts, coastlands, all oceans and farmland forever.

   ONLY by our own destruction of all levels of criminals and terrorists will WE GOD people achieve UTOPIA of This now occurs once each of you host mediate Town Hall Forums of starts with worlds LAST as the most powerful full scale replacement system of all electronic driven eDevices in world history legacy. This one GODs method was patented 2012 while Keith was kidnapped on orders of Robert Dee Rose Sept 26, 2011 seen at most profitable + $500 Million USD real and punitive damages Class Action Miscarriage of Lawsuit ever filed BY the FBI AG and each of you.

   The other world saving GODs technology engineered solutions provide almost FREE unlimited water and electricity to all world residents 7.9 billion People all empowered to deal with any local infrastructure issue by WE COMMANDING all leaders next best project using includes to unify mankind by providing almost free UNLIMITED water and Electricity use of patents we gifted to everyone

Related 14 year criminal delay is HERE:

  Cobb County GA 22-1-3042-68 filed on May 3, 2022 since not a SINGLE honest or damned soul has ever intervened and protected our life, our assets, or seized ROSE + 125 others.

   The perfected enginneered solution concept of this universal PLC replacement smart circuit breaker was procreated by most humble World #1 inventor Keith Brent Duncan at NCSU Raleigh in year 1977 on his visit to the CP&L highly secured operations control center located on Hillsborogh Street near his Sullivan dorm as top RA. Keiths dear cousin is Atty David Fountain who is now top Attorney Counsel for USA GOV's authority in Knoxville Tenn. No one contacts ANYONE since Greed rules all.

  Most odd is that absolutely NO ONE has actually put Keith on National TV to describe the most perfected revolution technology system of each of you holding everyone else fully accountable for your and theri actions to focus on building community infrastructure now owned and managed by each of you collectively using town hall forums of

  Clearly legacy history has shown that Keith was personally sent by GOD to teach self saving systems of all perfected aspects of once and forever.


   Each of the interlinked Patents are gifted to all humanity to solve the #1 issue of Energy metaphysics harnessing of GODs power systems for generating 100% free all world electricity now powered by and No more fossil fuel use except for and Space Travel now solved by and patent Gods engineered systems. 

  Update June 12, 2022 as the worlds most wealthy scientist engineers who join get paid back reality TRILLIONS of USD in patents sold off and new small business supply chain who all now use Keiths New world free economic Systems to eliminate all stock markets and mega banks forever. and original 1976 procreated and new world  to fully protect all inventions, copyrights, patents, trademarks and open up our internet domains for free public use.

   Destruction of all criminal and terrorist networks at all levels was always the prime focus of WE GODS people controlling our using GOD + to fast path put in prison and Death Row all human right violators of GODs commandments of legally binding

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(c) (tm) (r) Patent $40 Billion USD NGOs of World Trading Partner Ministries Enterprises INC.  Content copyright 1958-2025.  All IP rights reserved and gifted for mankind to USE to unify mankind as Free Will Citizens who decide their own future fate.

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